On My Block Wiki

Ruby and Jamal is the relationship between best friends Ruby Martinez and Jamal Turner. They are portrayed by starring cast members Jason Genao and Brett Gray.

Their relationship started when they were in elementary school, before the first episode of season one. They both grew up together in the same neighborhood.

 Summary []

Jamal and Ruby are best friends. They hang out a lot and look out for each other.

Early Life[]

Jamal and Ruby met in the fourth grade and became best friends in the matter of time in between. They had an intimate relationship when Monse was away at her writing camp.

Throughout the Series[]

In Chapter One after stalking the party that Ruby's brother, Mario, is attending they look out the video to see his heartbreaking breakup with his girlfriend. They both celebrated that Ruby will now have his own room by jumping on his bed. When Monse returns from writing camp, they tell her that they aren't speaking to Cesar anymore. She then keeps pestering them to tell her why. But neither of them is willing to do it. Jamal accidentally slips that Cesar said something to split up the crew. After being blackmailed by Monse, he finally admitted that it was because Cesar said that they "hit it" before she left for camp. Later that night Jamal (and Monse) calls Ruby to talk about the rumor. Ruby then tells Monse that the way Cesar said what he said made it sound like he really meant it. But it's not worse than going into high school with that kind of reputation.

After Monse goes to Cesar's house to beat him up for telling them that rumor, Jamal and Ruby rush over there to stop her. She then says that since she's the only one that cares about keeping them together, she'll survive on her own.

The next day Ruby and Jamal are sitting on Ruby's porch looking at Monse hangout with Jasmine. They feel bad because all they were trying to do was protect her. After a short argument over RollerWorld, Monse walks up to them and says that she can still be friends with them if they want to. Both of them agree, and agree to see her tommorow.

The two of them and Monse start to walk to school, but Monse insists that they check Cesar's house. Both of them reluctantly go with her. Monse then tries to tell them that that rumor that Cesar told them was true, but Oscar picks up Cesar and drives him off. So Ruby asks what Monse was gonna tell them, and she says that they need to work together to save Cesar.


  • "We don't care. We kissed you first."
  • "This is why we're best friends."
    • "You're best friends?"
      • "Yeah. you guys get to makeout, we get to be best friends."



Gallery []

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